Item Duplication

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Item Duplication refers to any method of creating a copy of one or more inventory items. Single Item Duplication is legal in the No Major Glitches (NMG) and Unrestricted rulesets, while Full Inventory Duplication is only legal in Unrestricted.

Single Item Duplication

Single Item Duplication is used to duplicate an equippable item such as a blaster or other piece of equipment. There are two methods to perform this.

Animation Duping

For this method, you will need an item or items that create a character animation, such as a stimulant, medpac, or energy shield. To perform the dupe:

  1. Add as many party members as copies you want of the item in question. These party members must be able to equip the item to be duplicated.
  2. Use an animation item on all party members except one.
  3. Before the animations finish, open the equipment menu.
  4. Equip the item to be duplicated to each party member who used the animation items. The item should not appear in the equipment slot of these party members.
  5. Equip the item to the party member who did not use the animation item. This should show in the equipment slot correctly.
  6. Exit the menu and allow the animations to end, then allow a moment for the game to switch the item.
  7. Quick Save and Quick Load to finish the glitch.

When using multiple party members, it is often wise to activate Solo Mode to prevent party members from adjusting their position and breaking the animation. Only one item can be duped at a time with this method, and the game favors the last slot equipped to. While any animation item can be used, energy shields are objectively the most economic choice, as they themselves can be duped.

For this method, you need one party member with the item to be duped equipped, and a second party member with no item equipped in the corresponding spot. To perform the dupe:

  1. Open the Equipment Menu with the party member that has the item equipped.
  2. Select the slot with the item and highlight “None”, but do not select it.
  3. Press the hotkeys for Previous Menu, then Next Menu (Q and E by default).
  4. Swap to your other party member.
  5. Select the slot that the duped item equips to and highlight the item to be duped, but do not select it.
  6. Press the hotkeys for Previous Menu, then Next Menu.
  7. Swap back to your original party member.
  8. Select the slot that the duped item equips to, then press escape.
  9. Exit the menu and Quick Save, then Quick Load to make the duplication permanent.

This method is useful as it does not require any animation item, but it is also a more difficult menu. This method only dupes one copy of the item, but it can then be repeated as many times as desired.

This method of duping is the first step in the Damage Stacking glitch, used in All Quests NMG.

Full Inventory Duplication

Full Inventory Duplication is accomplished by exiting the Ebon Hawk or Taris Hideout while the equipment menu is open. Doing this generates a deep copy of the entire player inventory for each available party member, which will be merged back into the main inventory the next time they join the party. There are two main methods for Full Inventory Duplication.

Via Galaxy Map

The Galaxy Map Method is the simplest method for inventory duping, but can only be used once the Ebon Hawk’s Galaxy Map is unlocked. To perform the duplication:

  1. Open the Galaxy Map.
  2. Press the Equipment Menu hotkey (‘U’ by default). You should hear a menu noise but no other change will be visible.
  3. Fly to another planet.
  4. Exit the Ebon Hawk without adding any party member.
  5. Add one or more party members to duplicate your inventory.

Every party member added in this way will add one copy of your initial inventory to your current inventory. For example, adding four party members will give you five copies (your one initial item plus four duplicated copies) of every single item you started with, including Quest Items.

Warning! If you add a party member when initially leaving the Ebon Hawk, you can delete your inventory instead of duplicating it.

Via Anywhere Menu Glitch

The AMG method is more flexible, as it can be used when exiting either the Ebon Hawk or the Hideout on Taris. To perform the duplication:

  1. Stand near the exit to the Hawk or Hideout and activate AMG with a Quick Save.
  2. Open the equipment menu and cancel the quit dialog.
  3. With the menu open, unpause the game and either walk out of the Ebon Hawk or select the door to leave the Hideout (most easily done with Default Action).
  4. Select no party members and leave the area.
  5. Add one or more party members to duplicate your inventory that many times.

Warning! As with the previous method, if you add a party member when initially leaving the Ebon Hawk or Hideout, you can delete your inventory instead of duplicating it.

Via Frame Perfect Menu

The AMG method can actually be done without an AMG by opening the Equipment Menu on the same frame as you exit the Ebon Hawk or select the Hideout Door to leave. All other parts of the trick remain the same. This method is not recommended outside of a TAS setting.


Item Duplication is currently only used in All Quests speedruns; however, both Single and Full duping are used:

  1. Single Item Duplication is used in All Quests NMG to duplicate the CNS Strength Enhancer twice in order to sell the copies later, yielding 4000 quick credits.
  2. Full Item Duplication via the AMG method is used twice in All Quests Unrestricted; once on Taris to obtain sufficient stims, spikes, and credits (from selling duplicated items), and again on Korriban to dupe enough stims for the rest of the run.